Emmy® Award-winning host and actress Tamera Mowry-Housley is poised to be honored with the prestigious Trailblazer Award at A Pink Pump Affair.

The 16th Annual A Pink Pump Affair, curated by Civil Rights Attorney and Child Advocate Areva Martin in partnership with the Special Needs Network (SNN), is gearing up for an unforgettable showcase of excellence. Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 19th, 2024, at 11:30 AM, as the esteemed Beverly Wilshire Hotel transforms into a hub of celebration and empowerment.

The event, a beacon of recognition for exceptional individuals shaping their fields and communities, is set to dazzle with its star-studded lineup and impactful initiatives. National news anchor Pat Harvey will lead the charge, igniting generosity and inspiration throughout the afternoon. A silent auction, hosted by the dynamic duo of award-winning comedian Kym Whitley and actress, promises excitement, while Summer Colony Living’s live fashion show adds a touch of glamour.

Areva Martin’s pride in honoring these outstanding leaders and advocates shines through, emphasizing their commitment to diversity, inclusion, and empowerment. The anticipation mounts as the spotlight falls on trailblazers like Tamera Mowry-Housley, acclaimed for her multifaceted contributions to women’s health and inclusivity.

“This journey has been a testament to resilience and passion,” remarks Tamera, humbled by the recognition.

See Also

The event doesn’t stop at accolades; it drives change. Alva Adams-Mason’s Game Change Award for promoting diversity in the automotive industry, Cristy Romero’s Self-Advocate Award for disability rights leadership, and Michael Jett’s Everyday Advocate Award for retail innovation showcase the event’s commitment to meaningful impact.

As past luminaries like Vice President Kamala Harris are remembered, A Pink Pump Affair looks ahead, fueled by sponsors like Toyota, US Bank, and Walmart, with a mission to support the Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities (C.A.D.D.) at the new Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital. With every step forward, SNN and its partners illuminate the path toward a more inclusive and empowered future in South Los Angeles.

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