The Shot Heard Around The World #JusticeFor AhmaudArbery

Ahmaud Arbery was killed 73 days prior and the two men, one being a previous cop, who shot and killed him, have confronted no repercussions.Shaun King discharged a video via web-based networking media of the terrible executing, pushing for action, the head prosecutor is at long last suggesting a grand jury to follow through.

On February, 23 toward the evening, Gregory McMichael, 64, who is a previous cop, and his son, Travis McMichael, 34, reportedly stood up to Arbery on the grounds that they associated him with being a thief/burglar in the rural neighborhood of Satilla Shores, Georgia. Arbery was unarmed and it is being said that he was running through the peaceful neighborhood.

The police report said the son and dad spotted him, furnished themselves with a shotgun and a .357 magnum , and decided to follow him with their pickup truck.

Minutes after , the 25-year-old was dead and now we can see the video of their encounter.

There was another individual on the scene recording. Does this man have any affiliation? We wonder.

SNUBB3D has decided to not show the video in honor of the family and there loss!

Protest and movements have been begun because there has been a continuation of unarmed black lives destroyed with no consequences.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Ahmaud Arbery family as they grieve during these rough time.

See Also


Gone to soon over RACISM! We must all speak up and out! This was a modern day lynching!

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