The Queens of R&B Unite: A Night of Glamour and Music at FUHU in Las Vegas

The music world is buzzing with excitement as the Queens of R&B prepare to embark on their brand tour, promising an unforgettable experience for fans everywhere. This star-studded lineup includes the iconic XSCAPE, SWV, MÝA, Total, and 702, set to dazzle audiences with their timeless hits and electrifying performances.

Behind the scenes, the tour is masterfully orchestrated by Mona Scott Young’s Monami Entertainment and Live Nation, ensuring a production of unparalleled quality and spectacle. Represented by the visionary Seth Shomes through Day After Day Productions (DADP), every detail is meticulously crafted to deliver a concert experience like no other.

The journey begins on June 27th at the Toyota Pavilion at Concord in Concord, CA, promising an explosive kickoff that sets the tone for what’s to come. From there, the tour will traverse the country, stopping at prestigious venues such as Madison Square Garden in New York City and the Kia Forum in Los Angeles, captivating audiences with the soulful sounds of R&B royalty.

For fans eager to be part of this musical extravaganza, tickets are now available at But the excitement doesn’t end there – at a special dinner hosted by FUHU in Las Vegas, The Doux presented the Queens of R&B with their all-new Press Play line, adding an extra layer of glamour to an already spectacular evening.

As the countdown to the tour kickoff begins, anticipation is at an all-time high. The Queens of R&B are ready to take the stage, unite their fans, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Stay tuned for updates and behind-the-scenes insights as the Queens of R&B Tour prepares to make history!


Thu Jun 27 – Concord, CA – Toyota Pavilion at Concord  

Sat Jun 29 – Las Vegas, NV – Bakkt Theater at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino  

Tue Jul 02 – Phoenix, AZ – Talking Stick Resort Amphitheatre  

Wed Jul 03 – Albuquerque, NM – Isleta Amphitheater  

Fri Jul 05 – Dallas, TX – Dos Equis Pavilion  

Sat Jul 06 – Houston, TX – The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion presented by Huntsman  

Tue Jul 09 – North Little Rock, AR – Simmons Bank Arena  

Wed Jul 10 – Birmingham, AL – Legacy Arena at The BJCC  

Fri Jul 12 – Jacksonville, FL – Daily’s Place  

Sat Jul 13 – Tampa, FL – MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre  

Sun Jul 14 – West Palm Beach, FL – iTHINK Financial Amphitheatre  

Tue Jul 16 – Atlanta, GA – Lakewood Amphitheatre  

Wed Jul 17 – Charlotte, NC – PNC Music Pavilion  

Fri Jul 19 – Washington, DC – Capital One Arena*  

Sat Jul 20 – Raleigh, NC – Coastal Credit Union Music Park at Walnut Creek  

Sun Jul 21 – Virginia Beach, VA – Veterans United Home Loans Amphitheater at Virginia Beach  

Wed Jul 24 – New York, NY – Madison Square Garden  

Thu Jul 25 – Holmdel, NJ – PNC Bank Arts Center  

Fri Jul 26 – Boston, MA – TD Garden  

See Also

Sat Jul 27 – Atlantic City, NJ – Atlantic City Boardwalk Hall

Fri Aug 02 – Bridgeport, CT – Hartford HealthCare Amphitheater  

Sat Aug 03 – Syracuse, NY – Empower Federal Credit Union Amphitheater at Lakeview  

Sun Aug 04 – Toronto, ON – Scotiabank Arena  

Tue Aug 06 – Buffalo, NY – Darien Lake Amphitheater  

Fri Aug 09 – Detroit, MI – LIttle Caesar’s Arena  

Sat Aug 10 – Cleveland, OH – Blossom Music Center  

Sun Aug 11 – Chicago, IL – Credit Union 1 Amphitheatre  

Tue Aug 13 – St. Louis, MO – Chaifetz Arena  

Wed Aug 14 – Oklahoma City, OK – Paycom Center  

Sun Aug 18 – Los Angeles, CA – Kia Forum  

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  • This piece was incredibly enlightening! The level of detail and clarity in the information provided was truly captivating. The extensive research and deep expertise evident in this article are truly impressive, greatly enhancing its overall quality. The insights offered at both the beginning and end were particularly striking, sparking numerous new ideas and questions for further exploration.The way complex topics were broken down into easily understandable segments was highly engaging. The logical flow of information kept me thoroughly engaged from start to finish, making it easy to immerse myself in the subject matter. Should there be any additional resources or further reading on this topic, I would love to explore them. The knowledge shared here has significantly broadened my understanding and ignited my curiosity for more. I felt compelled to express my appreciation immediately after reading due to the exceptional quality of this article. Your dedication to crafting such outstanding content is highly appreciated, and I eagerly await future updates. Please continue with your excellent work—I will definitely be returning for more insights. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to sharing your expertise and for greatly enriching our understanding of this subject.

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