The Queens of R&B Unite: A Night of Glamour and Music at FUHU in Las Vegas
Levar Kemp is the Editor-In-Chief of Snubb3d Magazine. He is…
The music world is buzzing with excitement as the Queens of R&B prepare to embark on their brand tour, promising an unforgettable experience for fans everywhere. This star-studded lineup includes the iconic XSCAPE, SWV, MÝA, Total, and 702, set to dazzle audiences with their timeless hits and electrifying performances.
Behind the scenes, the tour is masterfully orchestrated by Mona Scott Young’s Monami Entertainment and Live Nation, ensuring a production of unparalleled quality and spectacle. Represented by the visionary Seth Shomes through Day After Day Productions (DADP), every detail is meticulously crafted to deliver a concert experience like no other.
The journey begins on June 27th at the Toyota Pavilion at Concord in Concord, CA, promising an explosive kickoff that sets the tone for what’s to come. From there, the tour will traverse the country, stopping at prestigious venues such as Madison Square Garden in New York City and the Kia Forum in Los Angeles, captivating audiences with the soulful sounds of R&B royalty.
For fans eager to be part of this musical extravaganza, tickets are now available at But the excitement doesn’t end there – at a special dinner hosted by FUHU in Las Vegas, The Doux presented the Queens of R&B with their all-new Press Play line, adding an extra layer of glamour to an already spectacular evening.
As the countdown to the tour kickoff begins, anticipation is at an all-time high. The Queens of R&B are ready to take the stage, unite their fans, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Stay tuned for updates and behind-the-scenes insights as the Queens of R&B Tour prepares to make history!
Thu Jun 27 – Concord, CA – Toyota Pavilion at Concord
Sat Jun 29 – Las Vegas, NV – Bakkt Theater at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino
Tue Jul 02 – Phoenix, AZ – Talking Stick Resort Amphitheatre
Wed Jul 03 – Albuquerque, NM – Isleta Amphitheater
Fri Jul 05 – Dallas, TX – Dos Equis Pavilion
Sat Jul 06 – Houston, TX – The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion presented by Huntsman
Tue Jul 09 – North Little Rock, AR – Simmons Bank Arena
Wed Jul 10 – Birmingham, AL – Legacy Arena at The BJCC
Fri Jul 12 – Jacksonville, FL – Daily’s Place
Sat Jul 13 – Tampa, FL – MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre
Sun Jul 14 – West Palm Beach, FL – iTHINK Financial Amphitheatre
Tue Jul 16 – Atlanta, GA – Lakewood Amphitheatre
Wed Jul 17 – Charlotte, NC – PNC Music Pavilion
Fri Jul 19 – Washington, DC – Capital One Arena*
Sat Jul 20 – Raleigh, NC – Coastal Credit Union Music Park at Walnut Creek
Sun Jul 21 – Virginia Beach, VA – Veterans United Home Loans Amphitheater at Virginia Beach
Wed Jul 24 – New York, NY – Madison Square Garden
Thu Jul 25 – Holmdel, NJ – PNC Bank Arts Center
Fri Jul 26 – Boston, MA – TD Garden
Sat Jul 27 – Atlantic City, NJ – Atlantic City Boardwalk Hall
Fri Aug 02 – Bridgeport, CT – Hartford HealthCare Amphitheater
Sat Aug 03 – Syracuse, NY – Empower Federal Credit Union Amphitheater at Lakeview
Sun Aug 04 – Toronto, ON – Scotiabank Arena
Tue Aug 06 – Buffalo, NY – Darien Lake Amphitheater
Fri Aug 09 – Detroit, MI – LIttle Caesar’s Arena
Sat Aug 10 – Cleveland, OH – Blossom Music Center
Sun Aug 11 – Chicago, IL – Credit Union 1 Amphitheatre
Tue Aug 13 – St. Louis, MO – Chaifetz Arena
Wed Aug 14 – Oklahoma City, OK – Paycom Center
Sun Aug 18 – Los Angeles, CA – Kia Forum
What's Your Reaction?
Levar Kemp is the Editor-In-Chief of Snubb3d Magazine. He is a alum of Howard University in Washington D.C. Mr. Kemp is a producer, director and has a passion for the arts. His diverse background in the industry includes but not limited to: BET, VIACOM, VH1, and other well known publications.
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My brother was absolutely right when he suggested that I would like this website. You have no idea how much time I spent looking for this information, but this post made my day.
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Fantastic website with a wealth of knowledge. I’m sharing it on Delicious and forwarding it to a few pals. Naturally, I value your work.
It seems like you are an authority on this subject—as if you wrote the book on it or something. Though I think you could clarify your arguments a bit more with some photos, other than that, this is a fantastic site and I will certainly be back.
Of course, I like your website, but several of your pieces need to have their spelling checked. Several of them contain multiple spelling mistakes, which makes it challenging for me to be honest. Still, I will most certainly return.
It seems like you are an authority on this subject—as if you wrote the book on it or something. Though I think you could clarify your arguments a bit more with some photos, other than that, this is a fantastic site and I will certainly be back.
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Of course, I like your website, but several of your pieces need to have their spelling checked. Several of them contain multiple spelling mistakes, which makes it challenging for me to be honest. Still, I will most certainly return.
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I don’t usually read blog entries, but this one forced me to take a closer look. Your writing style has truly struck me as impressive. I appreciate your wonderful essay.
Although I like your website, several of your postings need to have their spelling checked. Since many of them have numerous spelling mistakes, it’s challenging for me to be honest. Still, I will come back.
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My cousin told me about this website, but I’m not sure whether he created this post because no one else understands my issues as well as he does. Thank you; you are very fantastic.
I’m not sure how I ended up here, but I thought this post was awesome. I have no idea who you are, but you will become a well-known blogger if you aren’t already. Salutations.
You appear to be able to read my thoughts. It’s as though you authored the book on this subject or something. You seem to know so much about it. I think a few graphics could help to emphasise the point a little bit more, but other than that, this is a terrific blog, and I will surely be back.
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I don’t usually read blog entries, but this one forced me to take a closer look. You have such a beautiful writing style. I appreciate your wonderful post.
I might like this blog, my brother said, and he was entirely right. Seeing this post made my day. You are not aware of the amount of time I invested in finding this information.
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I’m not sure how I ended up here, but I thought this post was awesome. I have no idea who you are, but you will become a well-known blogger if you aren’t already. Salutations.
I don’t see how you aren’t even more well-liked than you might be right now. Your breadth of knowledge on the issue convinced me of your extraordinary intelligence from a number of angles. It appears that until something has to do with Lady Gaga, people are uninterested in everything. Continue your fantastic work.
I don’t usually read blog entries, but this one forced me to take a closer look. Your writing style has truly struck me as impressive. I appreciate your wonderful essay.
My cousin recommended this page to me, but no one else seems to know my concerns as well as he does, so I’m not sure whether he wrote this post. You are amazing; I appreciate you.
I’ve been online for more than three hours now, and I haven’t found any articles as fascinating as yours. I think it’s worth it enough. If more bloggers and website owners created content as good as yours, the internet would be far more useful than it already is.
I don’t know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was excellent. I have no idea who you are, but you will become a well-known blogger very soon if you aren’t already. Salutations.
Fantastic website with a wealth of knowledge. I’m sharing it on Delicious and forwarding it to a few pals. Naturally, I value your work.
I thought you did a great job here. The language is excellent and the picture is tasteful, but you come across as nervous about what you might say next. If you preserve this walk, I have no doubt that I will return more often.
Fantastic website with a wealth of knowledge. I’m sharing it on Delicious and forwarding it to a few pals. Naturally, I value your work.
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Fantastic website with a wealth of knowledge. In addition to sharing it on Delicious, I’m forwarding it to a few friends. Naturally, I value your work.
I wanted to express how wonderful your post is. I could tell you were an authority on the subject because of how obvious it was. If you don’t mind, I’d like to sign up for your RSS feed so I can receive updates whenever you publish new content. Many thanks, and please continue your enjoyable job.
Your website loads really rapidly, giving the impression that you are a true webmaster with some sort of advanced approach. You did a great job on this topic, and the materials are great.
I wanted to express how amazing your post is. I could tell you are an authority on this subject because of how obvious it is. If everything is up to you, I would want to follow your feed so I can be informed when you publish new content. Many thanks, and keep up the fantastic work.
Which hosting service are you using? Could I have your host’s affiliate link? My website loads far slower than yours does. Excellent blog as well.
I should look at this webpage, as my brother advised, and he was entirely right. You have no idea how much time I spent looking for this information, but this post made my day.
Hi my love, I just wanted to say how well written and packed with virtually all the essential information this post is. I’m hoping for more blogs similar to this one.
It seems like you have a great deal of knowledge about this—almost like you wrote the book on it. Aside from that, I think you might add a few graphics to assist illustrate the concept a bit better. Still, this is a fantastic post that is well worth reading, and I will surely be back.
I don’t see how you aren’t even more well-liked than you might be right now. Your breadth of knowledge on the issue convinced me of your extraordinary intelligence from a number of angles. It appears that until something has to do with Lady Gaga, people are uninterested in everything. Continue your fantastic work.
The amazing speed at which the website loads—it almost looks as though you are pulling off some special trick—and the superb job that you have done with the contents truly demonstrate your talent as a webmaster.
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I might like this blog, my brother said, and he was entirely right. Seeing this post made my day. You are not aware of the amount of time I invested in finding this information.
I agree with everything you’ve said in your post; it’s clear that they’re all very persuasive and will work. Nevertheless, the posts are too short for newcomers; could you maybe make them a little longer the next time? I’m grateful for the post.
I thought you did a great job here. The language is excellent and the picture is tasteful, but you come across as nervous about what you might say next. If you preserve this walk, I have no doubt that I will return more often.
I thought you did a great job here. The language is excellent and the picture is tasteful, but you come across as nervous about what you might say next. If you preserve this walk, I have no doubt that I will return more often.
Whoa, that blog style is awesome. For what duration have you been blogging? You made it look so easy. Overall, your website looks great, and the content is much better.
I don’t know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was excellent. I have no idea who you are, but you will become a well-known blogger very soon if you aren’t already. Salutations.
I wanted to express how wonderful your post is. I could tell you are an authority on this subject because of how obvious it is. If everything is up to you, I would want to follow your feed so I can be informed when you publish new content. Many thanks, and keep up the fantastic work.
Fantastic website with a wealth of knowledge. In addition to sharing it on Delicious, I’m forwarding it to a few friends. Naturally, I value your work.
Hello, you’ve done a fantastic job. I’m sure my friends will find it helpful, so I’ll check it out and tell them about it.
Your website loads really rapidly, giving the impression that you are a true webmaster with some sort of advanced approach. You did a great job on this topic, and the materials are great.
My cousin recommended this page to me, but no one else seems to know my concerns as well as he does, so I’m not sure whether he wrote this post. You are amazing; I appreciate you.
Hi there, I thought I saw you visited my website, so I came back to say hello. I suppose I could take a few of your ideas since I’m trying to figure out how to make my website better.
Hi, good post. Your website appears to have an issue with Internet Explorer. This problem will cause a lot of people to miss your good content because IE is still the most common browser.
Which hosting service are you using? Could I have your host’s affiliate link? My website loads far slower than yours does. Excellent blog as well.
I couldn’t help but be enthralled with the basic information you offered about your visitors, so much so that I returned to your website to review and double-check recently published content.
I’ve been browsing the internet for more than three hours, and I haven’t seen any posts as fascinating as yours. I think it’s well worth the investment. If more bloggers and website owners created content as good as you do, the internet would be significantly more useful than it already is.
Hi, good post. Your website appears to be having issues with Internet Explorer. You should look into this since many people will miss your great articles due of this problem, especially since IE is still the most widely used browser.
I couldn’t help but be enthralled with the basic information you offered about your visitors, so much so that I returned to your website to review and double-check recently published content.
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Wonderful website! It has a tonne of useful information, which I’m posting on Delicious and sharing to a few friends. I am grateful for all of your efforts.
Naturally, I like your website, but you ought to edit a couple of your writings. Since many of them have grave spelling errors, it is hard for me to be honest about them. Still, I will most certainly be back.
Whoa, that blog style is awesome. For what duration have you been blogging? You made it look so easy. Overall, your website looks great, and the content is much better.
Hello, I thought you had looked at my blog, so I came back to say hello. Since I’m trying to improve my website, I suppose I can use some of your advice.
I’m grateful. I have been searching for information about this topic for a while, and yours is the best that I have discovered thus far. However, what about the revenue? Regarding the supply, are you sure?
Fantastic website with a wealth of knowledge. I’m sharing it on Delicious and forwarding it to a few pals. Naturally, I value your work.
My cousin recommended this page to me, but no one else seems to know my concerns as well as he does, so I’m not sure whether he wrote this post. You are amazing; I appreciate you.
You appear to be able to read my thoughts. It’s as though you authored the book on this subject or something. You seem to know so much about it. I think a few graphics could help to emphasise the point a little bit more, but other than that, this is a terrific blog, and I will surely be back.
I don’t understand how you’re not smarter than you currently are. I think you’re incredibly smart because of the ways in which your knowledge of this subject leads me to believe it. It appears that unless it has to do with Woman gaga, neither men nor women are interested in this topic. You are doing fantastic work; keep it up.
I’ve been online for more than three hours now, and I haven’t found any articles as fascinating as yours. I think it’s worth it enough. If more bloggers and website owners created content as good as yours, the internet would be far more useful than it already is.
I don’t usually read blog entries, but this one forced me to take a closer look. You have such a beautiful writing style. I appreciate your wonderful post.
I concur with every idea you have expressed in your post; they are really well-written and will have a positive impact. But the postings are very short for newcomers; maybe you might extend them a bit in the future? I’m grateful for the post.
I’m not sure how I ended up here, but I thought this post was awesome. I have no idea who you are, but you will become a well-known blogger if you aren’t already. Salutations.
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I should look at this webpage, as my brother advised, and he was entirely right. You have no idea how much time I spent looking for this information, but this post made my day.
Hello my darling, I just wanted to express how well written and comprehensive this post is, covering almost all the essential details. More blogs like this one would be nice, in my opinion.
My brother was absolutely right when he suggested that I would like this website. You have no idea how much time I spent looking for this information, but this post made my day.
Which hosting service are you using? Could I have your host’s affiliate link? My website loads far slower than yours does. Excellent blog as well.
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Hello, I truly like your post. Could we keep in touch regarding your AOL posts? To fix a difficulty I’m having, I need to speak with an expert in this subject. You might be that person after all. It will be a pleasure to talk to you.
Hello, I thought you had looked at my blog, so I came back to say hello. Since I’m trying to improve my website, I suppose I can use some of your advice.
Hi there, I thought I saw you visited my website, so I came back to say hello. I suppose I could use some of your ideas as I’m trying to find out how to improve my website.
My cousin recommended this page to me, but no one else seems to know my concerns as well as he does, so I’m not sure whether he wrote this post. You are amazing; I appreciate you.
Hi my love, I just wanted to say how well written and packed with virtually all the essential information this post is. I’m hoping for more blogs similar to this one.
Hi, good post. Your website appears to be having issues with Internet Explorer. You should look into this since many people will miss your great articles due of this problem, especially since IE is still the most widely used browser.
Hello my darling, I just wanted to express how well written and comprehensive this post is, covering almost all the essential details. More blogs like this one would be nice, in my opinion.
This is a really good place to read, and I’ve bookmarked it for later. I’m curious how much effort goes into making a webpage this excellent and instructive.
Hello, I would want to keep in contact with you regarding your writings on AOL because I genuinely appreciate your writing. I’m excited to see you soon. I need a specialist in this area to address my issue. Perhaps you are that somebody.
Whoa, that blog style is awesome. For what duration have you been blogging? You made it look so easy. Overall, your website looks great, and the content is much better.
Hi, I truly appreciate what you posted. Could we discuss your topic in more detail on AOL? I think you might be the expert in this sector I need to help me with my issue. It will be a pleasure to talk to you.
The amazing speed at which the website loads—it almost looks as though you are pulling off some special trick—and the superb job that you have done with the contents truly demonstrate your talent as a webmaster.
Hi there, I thought I saw you visited my website, so I came back to say hello. I suppose I could take a few of your ideas since I’m trying to figure out how to make my website better.
Hi there, I thought I saw you visited my website, so I came back to say hello. I suppose I could use some of your ideas as I’m trying to find out how to improve my website.
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Although I like your website, several of your postings need to have their spelling checked. Since many of them have numerous spelling mistakes, it’s challenging for me to be honest. Still, I will come back.
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