Exclusive Collection Honoring The Divine Nine®: Macy’s Tribute to Historically Black-Founded Fraternities

Get ready to dive into the vibrant world of style and community empowerment with Macy’s latest scoop!

Picture this: a dazzling celebration of heritage and impact, as Macy’s unveils an exclusive collection honoring the iconic five historically Black-founded fraternities of The Divine Nine®. Inspired by the bold colors of Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, Phi Beta Sigma, and Iota Phi Theta, this collection is a symphony of polos, blazers, cardigans, accessories, and more, starting at just $49! Available exclusively online at macys.com and at select stores, these gems will be ready to rock your wardrobe by July 2024.

Club Room - Men's Alpha Phi Alpha Plaid Cardigan Sweater

But wait, there’s more! Macy’s isn’t just about fashion; it’s about forging partnerships and making a difference. Through Macy’s Mission Every One platform, this collection is a testament to their commitment to empowering leaders today and tomorrow. This menswear lineup is a perfect match to the already sensational Sorority collection, bringing you the latest and greatest in style for those epic events and conferences.

Elwyn Mapps, Macy’s VP of Men’s Sportswear and a proud member of Phi Beta Sigma, shares the excitement: “I’m over the moon to offer our members a collection that shouts their organization’s mission and history, all while letting them flaunt their unique style!” Each piece in this collection is a vibrant tribute to academic excellence, community service, and brotherhood.

From sharp suit separates to snazzy sport coats, stylish neckwear, and cool hats, to comfy polos and cozy sweaters, this collection has something for everyone, in every size and style! So whether you’re gearing up for a Conclave, Founders’ Day, business pow-wow, or just a day of fabulousness, Macy’s has got you covered in style and spirit!

Macy’s Latest Collection Honors The Divine Nine Fraternities

And let’s not forget the icing on the cake: Macy’s is not just about fashion; it’s about making an impact. By January 2025, Macy’s will have donated a whopping $3 million to various foundations chosen by the Divine Nine, including $1.75 million already contributed to education and research foundations. Now that’s style with substance!

Macy’s Latest Collection Honors The Divine Nine Fraternities

So, buckle up for more fantastic collaborations and support from Macy’s as they continue to champion the missions and dreams of The Divine Nine organizations. It’s not just fashion; it’s a celebration of style, unity, and making a difference!

See Also


Macy’s, a prominent retail brand under Macy’s, Inc. (NYSE: M), has been a trusted style destination for generations of customers. Utilizing one of the nation’s largest e-commerce platforms via macys.com and mobile app, combined with a widespread network of stores, Macy’s offers a seamless and convenient shopping experience, presenting exceptional value across apparel, home goods, beauty products, accessories, and more.

Enhancing the shopping experience, Macy’s provides additional avenues for customers to explore and express their style. This includes an off-price selection at Macy’s Backstage and a carefully curated range at Macy’s small format stores. Annually, Macy’s creates memorable experiences through iconic events such as Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks® and Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade®, enriching the lives of millions and contributing to the celebration of significant moments.

At Macy’s, our mission is guided by a commitment to creating a brighter future characterized by bold representation. We empower our colleagues, customers, and communities by fostering greater voice, choice, and ownership.

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  • I must say that I really enjoyed reading your blog articles, even though there was an aesthetically pleasing piece of the stuff I recently came across. However, I’ll be subscribing to your updates, and I do hope to receive them promptly each time.

  • It seems like you have a great deal of knowledge about this—almost like you wrote the book on it. Aside from that, I think you might add a few graphics to assist illustrate the concept a bit better. Still, this is a fantastic post that is well worth reading, and I will surely be back.

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  • Of course, I like your website, but several of your pieces need to have their spelling checked. Several of them contain multiple spelling mistakes, which makes it challenging for me to be honest. Still, I will most certainly return.

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  • Naturally, I like your website, but you ought to edit a couple of your writings. Since many of them have grave spelling errors, it is hard for me to be honest about them. Still, I will most certainly be back.

  • I don’t know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was excellent. I have no idea who you are, but you will become a well-known blogger very soon if you aren’t already. Salutations.

  • I don’t usually read blog postings, but after reading this one, I had no choice but to try. Your writing style astounded me greatly. I appreciate your wonderful post.

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  • My cousin told me about this website, but I’m not sure whether he created this post because no one else understands my issues as well as he does. Thank you; you are very fantastic.

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  • I couldn’t help but be enthralled with the basic information you offered about your visitors, so much so that I returned to your website to review and double-check recently published content.

  • Your site loads so quickly that it nearly looks like you’re using a special technique. You are an extremely talented webmaster. You’ve done a great job with this; the contents are outstanding.

  • Fantastic rhythm, please let me know when you make adjustments to your website so I may learn from you. How can I register with a blog website? I found the account to be really helpful. Although your broadcast gave me a clear and crisp knowledge of it, I was already partly aware of this.

  • I just had to get off your site before I could express how much I valued the frequent updates you provide your visitors. Without a doubt, I’ll check in often to see what updates have been done.

  • I don’t know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was excellent. I have no idea who you are, but you will become a well-known blogger very soon if you aren’t already. Salutations.

  • Hello, I thought you had looked at my blog, so I came back to say hello. Since I’m trying to improve my website, I suppose I can use some of your advice.

  • Your site loads so quickly that it nearly looks like you’re using a special technique. You are an extremely talented webmaster. You’ve done a great job with this; the contents are outstanding.

  • I thought you did a great job here. The wording is excellent and the illustration is tasteful, but there’s a feeling that you might be giving more, which would probably happen again if you go on this walk.

  • Naturally, I like your website, but you ought to edit a couple of your writings. Since many of them have grave spelling errors, it is hard for me to be honest about them. Still, I will most certainly be back.

  • I’ve been browsing the internet for more than three hours, and I haven’t seen any posts as fascinating as yours. I think it’s well worth the investment. If more bloggers and website owners created content as good as you do, the internet would be significantly more useful than it already is.

  • Although I like your website, several of your postings need to have their spelling checked. Since many of them have numerous spelling mistakes, it’s challenging for me to be honest. Still, I will come back.

  • It seems like you are an authority on this subject—as if you wrote the book on it or something. Though I think you could clarify your arguments a bit more with some photos, other than that, this is a fantastic site and I will certainly be back.

  • I concur with every idea you have expressed in your post; they are really well-written and will have a positive impact. But the postings are very short for newcomers; maybe you might extend them a bit in the future? I’m grateful for the post.

  • Although I like your website, several of your postings need to have their spelling checked. Since many of them have numerous spelling mistakes, it’s challenging for me to be honest. Still, I will come back.

  • I just had to get off your site before I could express how much I valued the frequent updates you provide your visitors. Without a doubt, I’ll check in often to see what updates have been done.

  • Hello my darling, I just wanted to express how well written and comprehensive this post is, covering almost all the essential details. More blogs like this one would be nice, in my opinion.

  • I must say that I really enjoyed reading your blog articles, even though there was an aesthetically pleasing piece of the stuff I recently came across. However, I’ll be subscribing to your updates, and I do hope to receive them promptly each time.

  • I appreciate your insightful post. It was actually pretty fun. You seem to have reached a far more agreeable level now. But how can we continue to communicate?

  • Hello, good post. I have observed that your website appears to be having issues with Internet Explorer. Because of this problem, many people will miss your fantastic work because IE is still the most widely used browser.

  • Hello, good post. I have observed that your website appears to be having issues with Internet Explorer. Because of this problem, many people will miss your fantastic work because IE is still the most widely used browser.

  • I appreciate your fortunate post. It was actually pretty fun. I’m excited to hear from you more. How do we communicate with you?

  • Wonderful website! It has a tonne of useful information, which I’m posting on Delicious and sharing to a few friends. I am grateful for all of your efforts.

  • I thought you did a great job here. The language is excellent and the picture is tasteful, but you come across as nervous about what you might say next. If you preserve this walk, I have no doubt that I will return more often.

  • I thought you did a great job here. The wording is excellent and the illustration is tasteful, but there’s a feeling that you might be giving more, which would probably happen again if you go on this walk.

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  • Hello, good post. I have observed that your website appears to be having issues with Internet Explorer. Because of this problem, many people will miss your fantastic work because IE is still the most widely used browser.

  • I don’t usually read blog entries, but this one forced me to take a closer look. Your writing style has truly struck me as impressive. I appreciate your wonderful essay.

  • Hi there, I thought I saw you visited my website, so I came back to say hello. I suppose I could use some of your ideas as I’m trying to find out how to improve my website.

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